General Ground Rules
This competition is purely for fun, the prize is just having some friendly competition between guilds that hopefully any guild can be a part of regardless of size.
Points are accrued through both winter and summer events and the highest point total at the end of the summer event wins.
All challenge submissions must be posted by 1pm on Sunday unless otherwise noted on the challenge description.
Attempts to cheese points or cheat can result in points being deducted from the guild.
All attempts to cheese points or direct cheating accusations will be reviewed in staff channels.
Attempts to cheese points may be forgiven if staff is entertained by your attempt at “technically correct”.
Staff may agree to award points to guilds based on actions at the event if an attendee’s actions truly reflect the spirit of the event.
Pictures for challenges must be from the weekend of the event unless otherwise noted on the challenge description
Points for tournament team victories that have a mixed group of guilds will have the points divided amongst those guilds in the winning team (rounded up)
Point values for tournaments and challenges may change between events to balance the competition.
Challenges will be posted leading up to the event and will be pinned in the relevant Discord channel.