Our Network
We have two Wireless networks to choose from.
MassiveLAN – This is our fast, 5Ghz Wi-Fi network. Join this one whenever possible.
MassiveLAN2.4 – This is our 2.4Ghz Wi-Fi network. Avoid joining this one unless it’s the only one appearing for you, as it will probably struggle.
The password for each network is the same. The password is posted in your MassiveLAN welcome pamphlet and throughout the venue, or can be obtained from the Help Desk.
Internet Bandwidth
We limit the bandwidth to/from the Internet in order to keep the network running smoothly. Bandwidth is provided as fairly as possible to all attendees and is adjusted based on network usage. If you are experiencing lag / packet loss in online games and are streaming video or downloading content from the Internet, you may be hitting your bandwidth limit or we may just be at Internet capacity.
During the Day (Starting ~10AM): Expect reduced bandwidth to the Internet for Video Streaming/Downloading/Uploading. We try to provide up to 50Mbps however the limit may be lowered without warning.
During the Night: Flood gates open after tournaments conclude. Expect up to 100Mbps.
Game Downloads
We have dedicated bandwidth for Game Downloads and Windows Updates, and cache this content to help deliver it to you as fast as possible. These downloads are not speed limited on the network at any time of the day, and should run as fast as possible.
We currently cache the following services:
- Steam
- EA / Origin
- Activation / Blizzard / BattleNet
- Riot Games
- Wargaming
- Epic Games
- Windows Updates
- Windows Store / Xbox
If you find your download is running slower than expected, it might be because of the following:
- We might not have the game cached. As you and others download, it will cache
- The download might’ve dodged our cache for some reason. This happens sometimes.
- You have a VPN in use, or are using Private DNS (DNS over TLS, DNS over HTTPS). Disable these features and restart your computer.
- You have custom DNS Servers set (like,, etc). Set your computer to use the DNS Server provided by DHCP.
Server Hosting / Discovery
MassiveLAN is a LAN at heart. You are free to run your own Minecraft/CS/etc servers.
Due to the architecture of MassiveLAN’s network, you may find that a server you want to join doesn’t appear in the “LAN” Server browser. This usually happens if you are on Wireless, or are in a different row from your friend. If this happens, simply obtain the LAN IP address of the server from the person hosting it, and connect via IP. For Steam games, you should also be able to join via the Steam Friends list.
If you are hosting a server (srcds, Minecraft, etc), make sure to configure your server to allow “Internet” players to join. Servers hosted on MassiveLAN’s network will not be accessible from outside of MassiveLAN.
Need Help? Contact the Help Desk