
About our Tournaments and Prizing

MassiveLAN is first and foremost a casual event. We're focused on being a welcoming environment for good times and healthy competition. We do not pretend to be a super competive atmopshere - and that is not our goal.

Our tournaments are designed to give everyone a chance to participate and play. We strive to create a solid competition that gives everyone a fair share, though we are by no means competitive gaming professionals. Each tournament is run by a volunteer who has done his or her best to put on a respectable competition. Thoughts, suggestions, and feedback are welcome, but please keep in mind our goal at MassiveLAN.

What we play

LANFest MassiveLAN selects games to play for tournaments in a few different ways, trying our best when challenged with the game's availability, format, and matchmaking limitations.

With that in mind, we choose some games because we should. They're hot, they're popular, or (as with PUBG in the past) we've got a hot line on some sponsorship or private servers.

We choose other games because we want you to have something fun to play. Not every game is a good fit for MassiveLAN, either due to online server limits, cost of the game, or the style of gameplay. We're always on the lookout for something fun, something entertaining or different, which isn't always an AAA title.

And lastly, we choose our games with your feedback and input. We all have our favorites, but there's only so much time to go around. Based on feedback in our Discord, responses to our surveys, and listening to you, we choose games to present at our events.

If you have an idea for a tournament or a concept you think might work (and all the better if you've a few fellow gamers who want to play too) we can help you get the word out.

What you win

What do you win? It's simple: Glory. Victory, and bragging rights.

Our tournaments are not cash based or prize based, instead, winners receive a trophy for their won victory and the right to be the champion. Show off your trophy and let Massive LAN'ers know: You won. You earned it.

Event Announcements